The Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for the ATHENA Leadership Award. Nominations are open until Sunday, February 2nd, 2025.

History of ATHENA International

More than 40 years ago ATHENA International's founder Martha Mayhood Mertz was told that women are not leaders. She obviously felt otherwise. She believed if women were recognized for their leadership achievements, they could no longer be dismissed! In Martha's vision, ATHENA International has honored nearly 8,000 trailblazers and change makers, who are opening doors of leadership opportunities for women and girls around the world.

While honoring these women, ATHENA International noticed that they embodied many shared traits. With funding from the WK Kellogg Foundation ATHENA International began research into the nature of these characteristics. They found - distinct ways in which women lead; a different type of leadership, one that is diverse, inclusive, and collaborative. Different from the all-too-common command and control style. In addition, extensive - external research also demonstrates that having a diverse range of voices in leadership positions have positive results on overall organizational success. 

From these findings, the ATHENA LEADERSHIP MODEL was born!

Live Authentically, Learn Constantly, Build Relationships, Foster Collaboration, Act Courageously, Advocate Fiercely, Give Back and Celebrate. 

Not only has ATHENA International been celebrating these Change Makers - but they have also grown into a catalyst for developing and training them. Through diverse and transformative programs that aim to create a balance in leadership voices worldwide.

ATHENA's experiential programs, empower everyone to discover and ignite the authentic leader within by amplifying, and celebrating girls, women, and allies. ATHENA leaders know that for women to rise, all of us must come together to shatter the glass ceiling. 

At the heart of everything they do is the established ATHENA Leadership Model driven by the Eight Principles of Enlightened Leadership